Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm up! I'm up!

I have returned!! Mwahahahar....Okay I'm done. If anyone asks...I didnt post for a while (really long while) 'coz I forgot my username ^_^ Password is the same in most websites but I ain't gonna tell yeh XD

I had blue nails but I took them off coz they were chipped very much...And my nails are long...Anyway, I like Homestar Runner very much. Me and Erika have been watching Homestar cartoons the whole summer! Lessee...What else have I been doing this summer? Um...aside from not cutting my nails and watching Harry Potter movies...and we went to New York to visit relatives (HI NINA AND ANNA)... I have also been practicing me card treeks 0_O.

Contrary to popular belief...Me and me sis actually like Sanjaya Malakar. And Gina. But since Gina was eliminated, we rooted for Sanjaya. But since Sanjaya was eliminated...we got bored and found no reason to be watchingness the American Idol...

Fangirl update: I CANNOT WAIT for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I'm sure people will be soooooooo mad at me in the theater. Why? Well...I'll be high-pitched squealing almost all through the movie. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee-

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