Monday, May 14, 2007

Say WHAT?!

Ik: *holding something and waving it around* whoo! wooooo! *whispers* ask what I'm doing.
me: okay. What are you doing?
Ik: Isn't that the sound fingernails make? Woooooooo!!!


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day ^_^

What did me and Ik make for our mom on Mother's Day? Well...Here yeh go:
With this picture on the inside:

ain't he cute?

Well...that's pretty much all for today...Oh wait! If Erika and my cousin Gwen where to play Tekken, who would win?
Answer: Erika

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The proud sons of Durmstrang!

Just 'cuz thier entrance is awesome
(from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

You continue?

So me and Ik were playing Tekken 5... At least 33 matches at one time. She's good actually. Ik always uses Ling Xiaoyu and I pick Jin Kazama. I just cant win sometimes!
And we watched HP4, which we borrowed from Tito Pip. I think it is not the best movie of Harry Potter that came out. I wanted to see the Quidditch World Cup scene but the didnt show it. And they also failed to mention that Rita Skeeter was an Animagus...You'd only know that if you read the book. I mean I did...^_^
In other words...It's Mother's Day tomorrow! What have me and my sister come up with to give her? I shall post tomorrow XDD

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm up! I'm up!

I have returned!! Mwahahahar....Okay I'm done. If anyone asks...I didnt post for a while (really long while) 'coz I forgot my username ^_^ Password is the same in most websites but I ain't gonna tell yeh XD

I had blue nails but I took them off coz they were chipped very much...And my nails are long...Anyway, I like Homestar Runner very much. Me and Erika have been watching Homestar cartoons the whole summer! Lessee...What else have I been doing this summer? Um...aside from not cutting my nails and watching Harry Potter movies...and we went to New York to visit relatives (HI NINA AND ANNA)... I have also been practicing me card treeks 0_O.

Contrary to popular belief...Me and me sis actually like Sanjaya Malakar. And Gina. But since Gina was eliminated, we rooted for Sanjaya. But since Sanjaya was eliminated...we got bored and found no reason to be watchingness the American Idol...

Fangirl update: I CANNOT WAIT for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I'm sure people will be soooooooo mad at me in the theater. Why? Well...I'll be high-pitched squealing almost all through the movie. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee-

Friday, January 05, 2007

Cheering? Why Thank you

Cheering practices started yesterday but I was too tired to post an update. I'm now a propsman (Proud-ish member of "THE REST" XD) after a day and a half of prep squad practices...And my legs still hurt...

Since I'm now doing props, I have more time to video tape my batchmates at their practices and make a video tribute for my batchmates yay! XD

P.S: Happy New Year!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Tis New Year's mates!

^_^ XD (\m/)(o_o)(\m/)