Friday, December 29, 2006



-'Nuf said-

Sunday, December 24, 2006



Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Todo na 2

*flaps hands in oversized jacket sleeves* fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap
Today (12/20/06) was the day of the Todo na 2. Its a program where the teachers get to dance and sing for the students instead of the students always doing it. Of course, I couldnt pass up a chance to see the usually uptight teachers dancing on stage, so I went. It was also the last day of exams, so the idea was to got home at 10:30am, take a rest and get ready, then go back to school by 3pm.

We had to wait for a few kids in the school bus before we were able to leave but when I got home, I still had time to watch Animal Planet's The Most Extreme (which was the only thing worth watching at noon ^_^). By the time it ended, I left the house and got a taxi to take me to Powerplant. There, I met up with Penelope and she helped me pick out an exchange gift for the Christmas party and a present for Ik.

After that, on the way to the Starbucks nearest to the school, me and Pene met up with Max and Nadine and we all went to Starbucks. Me and Pene bought a couple of fraps then we walked to school and got into the line for going inside the auditorium. After about 10 minutes, the show started with all the teachers (elementary and high school) dancing oh-so-very-cutely. At around 6pm, the show ended, leaving most students paos but still determined to cheer on their batch band at the Battle of the Bands that was taking place half an hour after the Todo na 2.

I stayed just to watch my friend Bejae perform. After the compulsary 2 songs per band, I walked back to Rockwell to catch a cab and went home. At the time I was still cheering for Bejae, my mom told me that Ik was worried about me, so I made sure to get home as fast as I could.

All in all, it was a very fun day. First time to commute alone and first time to go to a concert-like was also the time where I did the most screaming ever done in my entire life. ^_^

*stops flapping hands* so...What did you do today?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


A few days ago, my Filipino teacher told us a story (that had absolutely nothing to do with the lesson ^_^) about OSMA, or Ospital ng Makati...One day, her brother was at the hospital ward when he saw a guy that was crying a lot on the floor...
brother: Oy pare, anong nagyari?
guy: Namatay ang nanay ko...Kasalanan ko ang lahat.
bro: Baket pare? Namatayan din ako eh. Hind kasalanan mo yon.
guy: Kasalanan ko kasi...Sabi ng nanay ko nag dalhin siya sa kahit anong ospital, 'wag lang OSMA.
Scary thought, yes? Anyway...My grandparents left to go to the US last Sunday at very early morning. Everybody was there to say goodbye...After trying to stay awake at 2AM of course. All the cousins were there, me, Ik, Ate Denise, Ate Niki, Ate Dona and even Gwen was awake that early. My dad came to follow them to the airport (follow, because all five suitcases fit only in his car) so everyone went to NAIA too. When we got there, we noticed that we were all in various jogging pants and homeshirts. Pambahay yay! grandparents are now in the states, Daddy hasn't replied to the emails yet and I'm not sure if they called the house when they got there. They have only been there for at least a couple of days and I already have an idea for a pasalubong: Complete Teen Titans season 1 and 2 ond DVD and the Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo DVD!!!!!!

Interaction we had P.E...we had to dance the Chou-ho-Chi-Chien (I have no idea what the spelling of that is...) and the first figure in the Japanese Parasol dance. And then there was practice for the Interaction (Intermission number) with DBTI on fiday. I think the whole TCJ has to dance...Including me? Oh crapish...I don't wanna dance!!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Another boring day, boring week, boring month, boring year...Hindi naman ^_^ I'm just so so so so so so so so so so....bored...Can't wait until Intrams...might even get to play Sepaktakraw and Games of the Generals...but I dont want to dance in P.E...


Monday, September 04, 2006

retreat na

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Retreat na sa Wednesday! Yeah its a good thing so why am I screaming? One word: palanca. Everywhere i go its "Palanca ko ha?" "Alex, penge ng palanca." "My palanca ok?"...And take note: bawal ang copy-paste. I have to type them all....eek...The whole batch is going to he Tagaste Retreat House in Bulacan (i think). I wish it was in the Caleruega Reatreat House instead. We had lots of free time, lots of food (for those that got to the canteen place early ^_^) and a great place to explore. That was the best retreat Ive ever had....wish me luck mates! Im going to Tagaste!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


i promised myself that i'll put up an exams banner so i will. side note: i have 4 straight days of exams...poor me...


a funny quote for today...
mama: Why do they package these things in triangles? It's so hard to pack in a lunchbox. (juice)
me: Yes, it is. It disturbs the geometrical harmony of the lunchbox...
mama: ...
ik: O_O?

some funny pics for today. provided by Shopwise...yeah...i took pics of them...i just had to XD

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

ms. jamito

my chem teacher is ms. jamito. shes nice but its like she dosent really know how to teach yet...but then again she just graduated from wherever and landed her first job at CSR. she dosent seem to really know what shes doing. she just puts up a big manila paper on the whiteboard (all the blackboards were removed and replaced with really big whiteboards) and reads whatever she wrote on it. she dosent even explain further the lesson shes supposed to be teaching.

by the way...can anybody tell me...and explain...what phase of matter is Fire? please post your answer in my tagboard. thank you!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


i havent posted lately because i have school already. aaah noooo!! uh....third year is haard... my chem teacher cant spell and yesterday my classmates decided to write a letter saying that Ms. Jamito is not a good enough teacher. we're gonna wait for a few weeks then we might write a petition or something

Thursday, May 25, 2006


ok...Taylor Hicks is the new American Idol! i like Taylor. he's funny but i like Ace! Ace should have been the American Idol!! Ace or Bucky! or Chris! anyway...i am finally finished with my amv. it is titled Raven Memories. i posted it on youtube. (link: it is my first time to use Movie Maker but it turned out ok. im going to make a new one! pic captions: ACE BUCKY AND BO!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Look at my tiger! That is one buff tiger!! Let my buff tiger pose for you! This tiger is from the PC game Black and White. I want it just because the giant creatures look cool, the AI is awesome and the big cats can break dance!! Aaaaanyywaaay.... Last night, a conversation with my family:
me: "Tare pandas are so cute!!"
ik: "What if tare pandas ruled the world?"
Mama: "The world would be a cuter place."
oh making a Teen Titans amv. i dont have any clips of anything else so im doing Teen Titans. its my first time to even touch Movie Maker, let alone make a movie, but its ok so far...Its a Rob/Rae tribute thing with the song Memories by Within Temptation. I just hope i finish it before school starts.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

i hate nightclubs

last night me and ik went with my mom to do a promoting something at OTBs. we went to a restaurant/OTB and it was ok. and then we went to the nightclub..if you saw a kid sitting in a dark corner, reading a book and listening to an mp3, would you decide to bother her? i dont think so. sure, the people who work there are paid to be hospitable and peppy or something, but they are annoying. i just wanted to be left alone and they just kept bothering me. that and the singing. i hated that place. every inch of it. my mom had to go there because it was for some extra money and some free food back at the restaurant, which wasnt bad, but i found out that i really hate nightclubs. i was going to transfer the video of the cheering to youtube and then i find out that the camera guy probably taped over the video of the cheering and the one that i took of my friends on the last day of classes. not the worst time of my life, but i've seen worse

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


i fell asleep for, like, 10 hrs? and im, like, posting in a fake Californian accent so, im like, really annoying? ok...lemme try this...dude! wassup?!...whoa...not working...there are some things that won't work now or trying to fix a Harley with a fork...yeah, like i said. not now, not ever.more examples?'ll get back to you on another 10 yrs or so....yeah...go enjoy your summer or somethin...night :) ...zzzzzzzzzz....

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I will never forget you

Even though apart, we are not as far as others might think. Even though we do not know what the other does, we are close in our hearts. We may not see each other, but we have our treasured memories. We may change, but we will always remember who has helped us get by when we needed help. Our lives may grow apart, but we will always remember the time we spent together. We may forget what we did against each other, but we will remember the things we did for each other. Though you may forget who I am, i wish only the best for you, for you have helped me when I could do no more.