Friday, December 29, 2006



-'Nuf said-

Sunday, December 24, 2006



Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Todo na 2

*flaps hands in oversized jacket sleeves* fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap
Today (12/20/06) was the day of the Todo na 2. Its a program where the teachers get to dance and sing for the students instead of the students always doing it. Of course, I couldnt pass up a chance to see the usually uptight teachers dancing on stage, so I went. It was also the last day of exams, so the idea was to got home at 10:30am, take a rest and get ready, then go back to school by 3pm.

We had to wait for a few kids in the school bus before we were able to leave but when I got home, I still had time to watch Animal Planet's The Most Extreme (which was the only thing worth watching at noon ^_^). By the time it ended, I left the house and got a taxi to take me to Powerplant. There, I met up with Penelope and she helped me pick out an exchange gift for the Christmas party and a present for Ik.

After that, on the way to the Starbucks nearest to the school, me and Pene met up with Max and Nadine and we all went to Starbucks. Me and Pene bought a couple of fraps then we walked to school and got into the line for going inside the auditorium. After about 10 minutes, the show started with all the teachers (elementary and high school) dancing oh-so-very-cutely. At around 6pm, the show ended, leaving most students paos but still determined to cheer on their batch band at the Battle of the Bands that was taking place half an hour after the Todo na 2.

I stayed just to watch my friend Bejae perform. After the compulsary 2 songs per band, I walked back to Rockwell to catch a cab and went home. At the time I was still cheering for Bejae, my mom told me that Ik was worried about me, so I made sure to get home as fast as I could.

All in all, it was a very fun day. First time to commute alone and first time to go to a concert-like was also the time where I did the most screaming ever done in my entire life. ^_^

*stops flapping hands* so...What did you do today?