Wednesday, September 20, 2006


A few days ago, my Filipino teacher told us a story (that had absolutely nothing to do with the lesson ^_^) about OSMA, or Ospital ng Makati...One day, her brother was at the hospital ward when he saw a guy that was crying a lot on the floor...
brother: Oy pare, anong nagyari?
guy: Namatay ang nanay ko...Kasalanan ko ang lahat.
bro: Baket pare? Namatayan din ako eh. Hind kasalanan mo yon.
guy: Kasalanan ko kasi...Sabi ng nanay ko nag dalhin siya sa kahit anong ospital, 'wag lang OSMA.
Scary thought, yes? Anyway...My grandparents left to go to the US last Sunday at very early morning. Everybody was there to say goodbye...After trying to stay awake at 2AM of course. All the cousins were there, me, Ik, Ate Denise, Ate Niki, Ate Dona and even Gwen was awake that early. My dad came to follow them to the airport (follow, because all five suitcases fit only in his car) so everyone went to NAIA too. When we got there, we noticed that we were all in various jogging pants and homeshirts. Pambahay yay! grandparents are now in the states, Daddy hasn't replied to the emails yet and I'm not sure if they called the house when they got there. They have only been there for at least a couple of days and I already have an idea for a pasalubong: Complete Teen Titans season 1 and 2 ond DVD and the Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo DVD!!!!!!

Interaction we had P.E...we had to dance the Chou-ho-Chi-Chien (I have no idea what the spelling of that is...) and the first figure in the Japanese Parasol dance. And then there was practice for the Interaction (Intermission number) with DBTI on fiday. I think the whole TCJ has to dance...Including me? Oh crapish...I don't wanna dance!!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Another boring day, boring week, boring month, boring year...Hindi naman ^_^ I'm just so so so so so so so so so so....bored...Can't wait until Intrams...might even get to play Sepaktakraw and Games of the Generals...but I dont want to dance in P.E...


Monday, September 04, 2006

retreat na

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Retreat na sa Wednesday! Yeah its a good thing so why am I screaming? One word: palanca. Everywhere i go its "Palanca ko ha?" "Alex, penge ng palanca." "My palanca ok?"...And take note: bawal ang copy-paste. I have to type them all....eek...The whole batch is going to he Tagaste Retreat House in Bulacan (i think). I wish it was in the Caleruega Reatreat House instead. We had lots of free time, lots of food (for those that got to the canteen place early ^_^) and a great place to explore. That was the best retreat Ive ever had....wish me luck mates! Im going to Tagaste!